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Testing FAQs


Placement Testing (ACCUPLACER)

请联系招生,电话:931-221-7661,以确认您是否需要参加Accuplacer exam. 招生办公室决定哪些未来的学生需要测试.

如果你被安排在一个“强化”的数学或英语课程中,你可以参加Accuplacer to "challenge" your placement.

Accuplacer每周在Clarksville校区提供,大多数周五在 the Ft. Campbell campus.  To see times and dates that are still available please go to the registration page at www.registerblast.com/apsu/Exam/List . An appointment is required for testing.  Online testing options are available for a $20 charge.  对于居住在该地区以外并希望在体检中进行测试的学生 地点,测试中心可以在你附近找到测试地点(你将被测试) to the testing center fees at which you test).

Absolutely.  然而,政策是分数必须来自Accuplacer, SAT或 ACT exam taken within the last 5 years.  Those are the only exam scores that 365bet will accept and they must be within the 5 year time frame.  You will need to request 您的其他学校/考点将正式副本发送到考试中心.  Scores submitted directly from the student will not be accepted.  Institutions may mail scores to PO Box 4548, Clarksville, TN  37044 or email them to admissions@feelinfly.net .

The Accuplacer website has a free study app.  Austin Peay的Accuplacer测试中给出的部分 阅读理解、句子技巧和QAS是下一代版本吗 (Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics). There is also a study app on the TN Electronic Library website www.tntel.info.

The Testing Center does require an appointment for testing. You must register online here to make an appointment.

如果你有申请,第一次参加Accuplacer考试是免费的 submitted to Austin Peay.  If you are retesting, there is a $20 fee.  If you are not 365bet申请者需要支付20美元的测试费用和其他学校的代金券 is required.  在线测试是20美元,远程测试设置在另一个测试点 site is subject to that site's fees. There is no charge the first time if you are 在学习支持实验室的课程中“具有挑战性”的安排.

Hand-held calculators are not 允许在测试中使用,除非它是我们的办公室批准的住宿 Student Disability Resource Center.  The QAS (Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and 统计)部分有一个内置的计算器,仅适用于 some questions.  所有其他问题必须用监考老师提供的草稿纸解决.

您必须携带有效的、未过期的、政府签发的带照片的身份证件(驾驶执照、护照、 military ID) on test day. If you do not have any of these please call the testing 中心和我们将提供一份表格,需要在测试前公证.  Scratch paper and pencil will be provided to you.  Please do not bring watches with 警报、食物或饮料、客人(包括儿童)或任何分散注意力的物体.

The Accuplacer test is untimed.  On average you can expect to spend about 45 minutes on each section.  阅读理解大约有20道题, 写作25道题,QAS 20道题(定量推理、代数、 and Statistics).

The Accuplacer test is not graded on a pass/fail range.  However, there is a minimum score required in each section to be eligible for admission.  The Accuplacer placement 考试只是录取标准的一个组成部分,即使是满分也是如此 not ensure admission to the university.  This test is only to determine your academic level in reading, writing and math. 

如果您正在测试365bet,您的成绩将在完成后立即显示 the exam.  考试中心的工作人员会向你解释你的分数,并告诉你 将它们输入系统供招生办公室处理.  If you are testing 对于特殊项目,如双录取或中学,你不会看到 your scores; they will be sent directly to the designated contact person for your program.

您可以通过在线提交请求,请求为您找到一个远程位置 request or contacting the Testing Center at testingcenter@feelinfly.net.    如果你知道你想在哪里参加考试,请注明 your request.  如果测试地点在我们的数据库中,我们将开具凭证 当您完成考试后,号码和成绩将自动发送给我们.  你将负责支付管理机构收取的任何费用.  To submit the request online please click here.

We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.  Our office is open Monday thru Friday from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm.  Please see our testing schedule for onsite test dates.  Online options are available for a fee.  Contact the Testing Center at (931) 221-6269 or testingcenter@feelinfly.net for more information.

CLEP & TEAS Testing

Testing fees vary depending on the test. Below is a list of prices. 

  • CLEP -在CLEP网站注册时支付$93美元,并向365bet支付$20管理费 upon registration online.
  • 在线注册时需支付$20,考试当天需支付$70+税.

*请查看CLEP和ATI (TEAS)网站了解最新费用. 

All tests require at least one valid government issued photo ID.

  • CLEP还需要一张从学院打印出来的准考证 Board website at the time of registration. You may also present an e-copy of your ticket. 

您必须携带所需的证件、费用(如果适用)和允许的测试 supplies depending on the test you are taking.  Calculators are not allowed on the Accuplacer, CLEP or TEAS exams.  Our center will provide scratch paper and pencils.  请勿携带带闹钟的手表、食物或饮料、客人(包括儿童)、 or any distracting objects.


  • 如需安排Accuplacer、CLEP或TEAS考试,请注册 online

Test duration times are listed below.  Please note these times do not include check-in/check-out time or tutorial/sample sections of exams.

  • CLEP考试一般为1小时30分钟,除非考试有陪同人员 essay.
  • Accuplacer测试是不计时的,但每个部分大约运行45分钟(3) sections). 
  • The TEAS exam is approximately 3 1/2 hours.
  • The Accuplacer website has a free study app.  Austin Peay的Accuplacer测试中给出的部分 阅读、写作和QAS(定量推理、代数)的下一代版本是什么 and Statistics). 
  • The CLEP website 网上有学习资料和可以购买的书籍吗. There is also a partnership with www.modernstates.org 该网站提供免费备考课程和免费CLEP考试券.  See the website for more information.

CLEP和TEAS成绩只能通过各自的网站获得. You will 在考试当天收到一份非官方的成绩报告,但所有官方成绩都是如此 由检测公司直接发送给接收机构.  The Testing 中心不提供这些考试的官方分数报告.

您可以通过填写以下表格,以书面形式要求获得Accuplacer考试的官方分数 the Score Request Form 并通过电子邮件(testingcenter@apsu)发送到测试中心.edu), mail (PO 克拉克斯维尔4755号信箱(田纳西州37044)或亲临(马克斯大厦120室).  We must 有实体(非电子)签名来释放你的记录,所以这个表格不能 be submitted online. 

  • CLEP - Austin Peay州立大学要求ACE成绩达到50分. Institutions 是否有权利设定自己的最低分数,所以请核实及格分数 with your recipient institution.
  • TEAS -与护理部门核对所需的分数信息.