
全州 Photography Equipment Check-out/Check-in Form

Are you checking out or checking in photography equipment?*
学生出版物 will provide staff members with the equipment needed to do their 工作. None of this equipment should be used for personal use, nor removed from the physical confines of The Department office — unless it is approved for a 工作 that specifically requires use of the organization’s equipment outside the physical facility. All equipment should be checked out and singed back in once completed via the process 由图片编辑和顾问建立. 所有设备将被送回 24个工作小时内完成. 工作人员谁愿意使用 学生出版物 equipment for personal use (such as to take photos of a friend) or for professional use outside the student publication (such as freelancing for a news organization or business) must request permission from the editor-in-chief and 顾问. Using 学生出版物’ equipment also always comes with the responsibility to pay for repairs, replacements and other costs associated with the equipment. 拒绝 to pay these costs may result in the termination of a staff member. 等待可能是 placed on a student’s account with the University for the costs he or she incurred 在使用设备时. *
All camera kits MUST be checked in/checked out by the 顾问 or 学生出版物 助理.