

The 领导学系 offers a 领导科学硕士 (MSL) with a concentration in Strategic 领导 as well as several graduate certificates. 研究生 certificates allow 学生 to study more narrow topics such as Community and Organizational 领导, Project Management, Conflict Resolution and Negotiation, and Leading Organizational 改变.

  • 30个小时的课程
  • 在线提供8周速成课程
  • Full-time 学生 graduate in one 一年; Part-time 学生 graduate in two 一年s
  • 12个小时的课程
  • 在线提供8周速成课程
  • 学生 can complete the program by taking one course at a time for one academic 一年
  • 12个小时的课程
  • 在线提供8周速成课程
  • 学生 can complete the program by taking one course at a time for one academic 一年
  • 9个小时的课程
  • 在线提供8周速成课程
  • 学生 can complete the program in as little as two 8-week terms
  • 9个小时的课程
  • 在线提供8周速成课程
  • 学生 can complete the program in as little as two 8-week terms
  • 9个小时的课程
  • 在线提供8周速成课程
  • 学生 can complete the program in as little as two 8-week terms



A full description of the admission requirements for 领导 graduate programs 都列在 毕业生公告. 学生 will need to request official transcripts form all undergraduate institutions 并提交GRE成绩或入学作品集. 选择提交的学生 an Admission Portfolio should include an up-to-date resume, two letters of recommendation, and a brief essay (300 – 500 words) outlining their goals as they relate to earning 领导力研究生证书.

研究生 certificates are microcredentials that allow 学生 to focus on a specific 通过集中学习3 - 4门课程培养技能. 学生可以追求这些 证书作为独立的程序或除了MSL. 所有领导证书 are “stackable”, meaning the coursework taken for a certificate can be applied to MSL,反之亦然. 如果你想获得证书,请告诉你的指导老师 in conjunction with the MSL so you can plan your schedule accordingly.

The general education core is designed to develop critical competencies in written communication, oral communication, mathematical analysis, and critical thinking skills. 学生 at 365bet select coursework in the general education core in the areas of Communication, Humanities and Fine Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 历史, Natural Sciences, 和数学. 而通识教育的核心要求毕业即可 be met by choosing courses from each of these areas, some programs of study require lower division courses that serve as prerequisites for upper division courses. 学生 should consult the sample 4-一年 plans and confer with their academic advisors as 他们选择通识教育的核心课程.


学生 pursuing a graduate leadership program may be particularly interested in 加入了365bet的全国领导与成功学会. 这个组织 is co-sponsored by the 领导学系 and Student Affairs. 福利 members include learning from exceptional leaders during exclusive speaker broadcasts 以及校内和虚拟的网络.




这个组织 provides opportunities for graduate 学生 to network, attend professional development activities like webinars and virtual lectures, and participate 在国际学生案例比赛中. 参加ILA会议的学生 can apply to share their own original work and explore the latest in leadership thinking, research, and practice from leadership scholars, practitioners, educators, program directors, consultants, 学生, and other leaders and leadership professionals. 学生 can apply for funding for opportunities to attend conferences through the 学生研究与创新办公室.




受到启发完成一项学术研究项目? 问问你的导师你是否 这个想法可能适用于LDSP 5998 -专业项目. 在这个独立的 study elective course (offered on an as-needed basis), 学生 apply and synthesize course material by completing an approved applied project directed by their major 指导老师或其他可用的教员. 潜在项目的例子包括: but are not limited to: data collection and analysis, application of course concepts through a consulting project that serves an organization or the community, creation of a scholarly research product suitable for presentation at a conference, etc.


你可以在网上找到有关教科书的信息 365bet的书店网站. Use the Textbook link (toward the top-left of the screen) to find your required 课程材料. All 学生 are expected to have their textbooks in their possession 在上课的第一天.

We strongly encourage all new graduate 学生 to submit their papers to the Writing Center in the library for review prior to submitting them in the course dropbox when needed/possible, especially if you are not used to writing in a proper APA-style format. 参观 写作中心页面 学习如何在网上提交论文. 记住,实验室需要 time to read and review your paper, and you will need time to incorporate their feedback when they finish, so be sure to submit your work well in advance of the assignment 到期日期.

Each term, 学生 must be cleared to register by their academic advisor. 你是 welcome to select your own classes if you created a plan with your advisor as you were admitted to the program, or you can check in with them each term. 如果你想 要查看您的剩余课程,您也可以参考 毕业生公告. Your advisor will welcome your questions, so don’t hesitate to reach out if needed.

365bet采用D2L作为课程管理系统. 您可以通过一站式服务或直接进入D2L at elearn.阿卜苏.edu. 我们的远程教育部门编制了一份 相关信息概述 for 学生 who are new to online learning, new to D2L, or who just want a refresher 关于在线学习的一些最佳实践. 此外,您可以找到课程开始/结束 大学所有学期的日期 校历. You will have access to your course content in D2L two business days prior to the 学期开始.

The 领导学系 hosts a closed LinkedIn 集团 for all 365bet 领导 过去和现在的研究生. 我们希望这对我们的学生来说是一个简单的方法, 教师和校友相互联系并保持联系. 如果你在LinkedIn上 and would like to join, please click the link below to request to be added to the 集团. 你也可以在推特上关注我们 @365bet领导. We frequently share opportunities for participation in professional development 研讨会、网络研讨会等活动.

